Valuing America
Recently, the President of the United States argued vehemently that tens of millions of Americans, who are reluctant to embrace a leftward lurching Democratic Party, represent a threat to the nation’s “values.” Biden is the epitome of a “Career Politician.” The political classes crave vicarious power, and they covet the position, prestige, and profit to be derived therefrom. They benefit unabashedly from graft and corruption.
Despite many conspicuous shortcomings, Biden and those of his ilk would have us to believe that they are morally superior, and they have nominated themselves keepers of the “faith.” Their faith, however, is in the state. They worship government. Their religion is statism.
Statism is just another form of Collectivism, which includes the denominational offshoots of: Marxism, Socialism, and Communism. Adherents adopt the tenets of the faith with the zeal of fundamentalists. They believe themselves uniquely “enlightened,” but in fits of hubris and in demonstrations of ignorance, they fail to recognize that they are merely recycling, rebranding, and regurgitating failed philosophies from the past.
Biden and all other “representatives” swear an oath to “preserve, protect, and defend” the Constitution of the United States. That venerable instrument was never intended to provide a blueprint for an industrially efficient state. The Founders “valued” independence, liberty, and freedom, and the Constitution gives deference to those ideals. The architects of the Constitution knew that an unrestrained state is incompatible with individual liberty and antithetical to personal freedom. As the power of the state grows unabated, the usurpations of power result in a corresponding reduction in the power of the people. The price for Nanny State “protections” is dependence. The costs necessarily include erosions of liberty and losses of freedom.
Statists seek to unleash the powers of the state and to unburden government from the intentional restrictions and affirmative limitations of the Constitution. In contrast to natural and inalienable rights, Biden prefers an unfettered “democracy” through which political minions dole out privileges to a growing dependent class, which is willing to demonstrate allegiance, compliance, and subjugation. Would be beneficiaries fail to realize: A government, which can give you everything that you want, is capable of taking all that you have.
In this context, “Democracy” is not an “American Value.” In fact, there is not a single instance of that word, or any derivation thereof, in the United States Constitution. The democracy, which is espoused by neo-Socialists, is ineffective and overrated. In every single instance, in which Socialism has been tested, it has failed miserably and most often with disastrous consequences. Without a restrained state, the Leviathan represents an inherent danger to the people, which it is tasked to protect. As power trends toward absolute, so does the certainty of corruption, and with corruption come abuse, oppression, and tyranny.
The political classes and a self-serving electoral majority act with a perverse moral certitude, which they mistakenly believe can be derived solely from their number. However, actions which would be immoral if undertaken by an individual (e.g. theft and involuntary servitude) are not made more moral by collective action. One cannot benefit from the absolution, which might be offered by a horde of accomplices or a host of co-conspirators.
The people need not respect illegitimate actions by the state, and political minions must be reminded that the people represent the only legitimate source of government power. Legitimate power and authority arise only from persons and peoples ceding power consciously, deliberately, and voluntarily. One cannot be both ward an master. The people must actively reassert power as master over the state.