Truth Dies in Darkness

J. Wesley Casteen
3 min readJul 28, 2024


A recurring meme, contains a quote, which is often (mis)attributed to the German Philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, and states:

Truth does not mind being questioned -

A lie does not like being challenged.

I agree … but only to a certain extent. In a debate, in which the objective is to distill and discern truth, one who sincerely believes in the accuracy and veracity of his own position will not mind should others question his opinions, and he does not hesitate to defend the same.

For a seeker of truth, the realization and knowing of truth is paramount. Truth is exceedingly more important than his present personal position. In contrast, one who chooses to proffer a false position as true, quickly becomes frustrated knowing that he is incapable of doing the impossible. He is eternally anxious, and he lives in fear of being found a fraud.

Today, divining truth is not the objective for most “learned” persons and those in positions of authority. Those who embrace lies are contented by those lies. They lie often and loudly not that their lies might be converted into truth, but so that they might hide and obscure truth (oftentimes from themselves). They hope to create an environment, in which truth cannot be recognized or known.

By eliminating the premium, which should be afforded to truth, value is mistakenly attributed to their lies. Rather than being shamed by their lies, they are increasingly emboldened, as truth becomes more clouded and obscured. It is perhaps the worst of all possible thefts: to deprive persons and peoples of knowledge and wisdom — to deprive them forever of truth.

Those who propagate lies endeavor to make seekers of truth calloused by constant, repeated, but fruitless efforts to discover truth. They hope that we become deafened to truth through a cacophony of disinformation and misinformation. From a quote attributed to Booker T. Washington: A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right, and evil doesn’t become good, just because it’s accepted by a majority. While truth is not altered by the frequency or volume of lies, the pain, cost, and effort that one must endure to seek out truth may be enough to discourage many from pursuing truth.

With time, nearly all come to be contented by the lies with time. Distanced and shielded from truth, they know no alternative. They are blind to what might otherwise be possible. They look upon false prophets as uniquely enlightened. They are quick to embrace any deceptively pleasing lie so long as it might provide temporary comfort and relief. It is akin to a junkie forever pursuing his next “fix.” The lies are increasingly unsatisfying, but truth long ignored can be painful to acknowledge. Reality is often disconcerting.

With pride, they embrace their naivete, and with arrogance, they revel in their ignorance. They are content to exist within a Dark Age shielded from truth and enlightenment. They wallow in a shameful state of bliss. They are content to die never having known truth.

Even if standing alone, truth is no less real or certain, but the benefit of its existence requires that it be known and embraced by others. Truth cries out from its isolation hoping to be heard. It shivers in its solitude without the warmth of others — without the understanding of believers. Truth dies in darkness.



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