“The Democratic Party left Me”
Ronald Reagan is today remembered fondly by most Republicans. A generation ago, Reagan was the GOP’s standard bearer, and he was twice elected President. However, before 1962, Reagan was an active Democrat. Of his “defection” to the Republican Party, Reagan famously said, “I didn’t leave the Democratic party — the Democratic party left me.”
Today, even Jack Kennedy would be an outcast in his own political party. The modern Democratic Party has eagerly embraced politicos like the self-declared Socialist, Bernie Sanders, who despite twice running for the party’s nomination for President still fancies himself an “Independent.”
Recent converts have sworn fealty to the tenets of Socialism. The keepers of the faith evangelize with a fundamentalist’s zeal. “Free Stuff” has become the mantra of a political party, which is intent upon buying support and allegiance with other people’s money.
Neo-Socialists sell Snake Oil to an impressionable public. They promise a panacea, but they are purveyors of poison. Their so-called cure is destined to cause more destruction and to do more harm than the litany of supposed diseases that it is said to treat. We have consistent and uninterrupted histories to provide clear evidence of the dangers.
Like back alley pushers, self-serving political minions and technocrats are eager for the public to get a taste of what they have to offer. They are confident that the populous will quickly become addicted. Thereafter, they can command any price or concession, and the pitiable public will dutifully comply. Fruitlessly chasing the dragon, users will trade liberty and freedom and eventually surrender their very souls for just one more “fix.”
Regret eventually sets in, but buyer’s remorse comes much too late. A formerly great people comes to be predominated by addicts racked with pain. Their lives defined by disappointment, loss, and misery. They become consumed and controlled by the addiction. The former joy, pleasure, and contentment are no more. With each cycle or iteration the satisfaction wanes, even as the dosage increases. Eventually, that which cannot provide even a moment’s peace is too much for the body to bear. Death is certain. The only question is, “When?”
Do we wait for this predictable scenario to play itself out? Or, do we change course? Do we surrender ourselves to destruction and collapse? Or, do we fight to protect the nation and its people from a certainly deleterious but entirely avoidable fate?