Number … NEXT!

J. Wesley Casteen
3 min readJul 21, 2024


Biden has announced the withdrawal of his candidacy for the Democratic nomination and for a second term as President. One might ask: What changed?

The relevant facts did not change. For months — if not years — anyone with one good eye, a willing ear, and an open mind knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Biden’s physical condition and mental faculties are failing him. It is not a personal slight, but an inevitable fact of aging.

There are more than ample other reasons for personal slights, including a half-century as a career politician and a personal history of lying which can be described fairly as practiced, professional, prolific, and pathological. The lies continued until they were indefensible in light of all fact and reason. Biden withdraws today not because his condition has suddenly worsened, but because the copious and incessant lies, which have been used for months to cover his deficiencies, are now too incredible to be believable by anyone.

Biden was not the only blatant, unabashed, and unapologetic liar. In addition to the elder Biden, his family lied, including Jill and Hunter. If anyone knew the truth, they had to know. Biden’s administration advisers, campaign aides, and White House staff lied. There is no way that they could not have seen up close and personally, what the rest of us could see with perfect clarity from afar.

That coordinated and orchestrated group of liars includes the Vice President, Kamala Harris, who Biden has now endorsed. Harris lied each and every time that she stumped for a fumbling, flagging, faltering, and failing Biden. As recently as hours ago, Harris was campaigning for Biden. She was ostensibly raising money for Biden. Of course, she now hopes to be the beneficiary of that financial windfall and to ride Biden’s coattails all the way into the Oval Office.

The Democratic Party lied. Party leaders, who should have known of Biden’s condition and of his unfitness for office, lied to the American people by advancing his nomination. Other Democrats lied to themselves, believing that Biden was their only (or best) hope to hold onto the Presidency. Biden’s running for a second term was always a power play. For Biden and Democrats, it was about continuing their zealous hold onto the reins of power. The Party’s lack of consideration and lack of demonstrated faith in any other potential contender, including Kamala Harris, says volumes about their lack of confidence in any other candidate’s skill, acumen, and/or ability to win.

This cabal of liars now asks for the American people to trust them and their process for selecting the Party’s nominee for President. The Democratic Party deprived the American people of democratic process by refusing to have truly open primaries, through which they might have identified the best possible candidate. The feeling seemed to be, “Biden is good enough,” or that, “Biden is entitled to the nomination.”

Similarly, the Democratic Party likely will push for Harris now to be the nominee. The Party of identity politics certainly could not risk being called “racist” or “misogynistic” by daring to consider seriously any other prospective candidate. Again, their hope is that Harris is “good enough” because she is “entitled” to the job. I seriously doubt that most Americans will so quickly or easily embrace that sense of entitlement.

In 2016, HRC was the Democratic heir apparent. She too campaigned as if she were entitled to the Presidency — as if it were “her turn.” The electorate rejected the contentions of HRC and the Party, in favor of a then political novice, Donald Trump. Apparently, Democrats have not learned much in the interim. Their chorus of lies and demonstrated incompetence make it hard to embrace the Democratic Party and any Presidential candidate, which the Party may now nominate.



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