In Search of a Better Liar
Donald Trump has a deserved reputation for being a liar, cad, charlatan, and carnival barker. From the perspective of the ideal, these are hardly positive traits; nevertheless, they are traits, which were known of Trump long before he took office (the first time). Trump continues to give a voice to tens of millions of persons, who feel that they are ignored, if not actively disenfranchised, by the legacy political parties.
What might be viewed by many as “moral” flaws, made Trump a candidate, who was capable of standing toe-to-toe and winning against opposing candidates with similar, if not superseding, flaws (e.g. HRC). In a half century as a career politician, Joe Biden also developed a propensity for lying. His lies and those of the political classes — inclusive of the DNC, Kamala Harris, and a host of others — can be described fairly as professional, practiced, prolific, and pathological.
In 2016, Trump defeated the Democratic heir apparent. He deprived HRC of the coronation, to which she and the DNC believed her entitled. In an act of revenge, retaliation, and retribution, they alleged that Trump was effectively an agent of Russia and that the Russians were trying to “influence the election.” They immediately sought to negate Trump’s electoral victory, as being the result of “Russian Collusion.” and they quickly began efforts to impeach Trump using a baseless dossier, which was funded by HRC and the DNC.
It has been alleged and seized upon by political opponents that Trump’s lies have risen to the level of fraud, but a greater fraud was perpetrated on the entirety of America, as the elder Biden, the Biden Family, the Democratic Party, campaign aides, administration officials, and White House staff — again including Kamala Harris — tried to convince all Americans that the sitting President was not only presently competent but entirely capable of fulfilling another term. They told these lies repeatedly and vociferously. They aggressively attacked anyone, who dared to say out loud what was conspicuously obvious to all with one good eye, a willing ear, an active brain cell, and the willingness to use them.
More recently, spurious criminal charges were brough against Trump arguing that he lied in order to “influence an election.” Through their own copious lies and their concerted fraudulent acts, they sought to influence and carry the upcoming election. Those, who hope to still reap the benefit of those lies, say that they were acting “for the good of the nation.” They claim to be on a quest to “save our … [THEIR] … democracy.” In fits of hubris and in demonstrations of arrogance, they assert that the ends justify the means; therefore, they are willing to engage in the most ignoble of means in order to give effect to their entirely self-serving ends.
Their only regret is that they were caught, specifically because their lies became so incredible as to be entirely incapable of belief by anyone, no matter how naive or (willfully) ignorant. They are not repentant of their lies. They quickly supplant old lies with new ones with the hope that those new and different lies will be incrementally more believable, that they will meet a receptive and gullible audience, or that the opposition will grow weary and exhausted having become calloused and deafened by the cacophony of lies.
None of this is about advancing the “Common Good” and “General Welfare.” Politics is forever and always about power. There is a desire to advance one’s own powers unabated, while actively limiting or usurping the power of disfavored “others.” Political minions and technocrats crave vicarious power, and they covet the position, prestige, and profit to be derived therefrom. They see their own ascension as being entirely worthy (i.e. the ultimate “good”); therefore, any lie or any act, which advances their rise to power is deemed acceptable and worthy.
Those, who dare to oppose their ascension, are summarily dismissed with the attitude: “If only you were smart enough, you would submit and subjugate yourselves to our greater intellect — to our ‘divine’ will.” To borrow from C.S. Lewis:
Their very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level with those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.
Despite there demands for deference, respect, and subservience, they have repeatedly demonstrated themselves entirely incapable of effectively addressing the herculean tasks, which they purport to conquer, and they are unworthy of possessing the power or authority to lord over others. They have demonstrated themselves very “average” and exceedingly flawed in many ways. They are not worthy of our respect or admiration, much less our deference and subjugation.