Fictional Truths

J. Wesley Casteen
3 min readAug 28, 2022


The alternative to acknowledging Truth is to adopt an intentionally perverted perception of existence, which is entirely detached from our singular reality. Individual “truths” distort reality and lead to self-delusion. Such delusions foster the inability to distinguish fact from fiction.

The cumulative effect is to increase the transaction costs of living. Some parties benefit from those increased costs. They profit from the inefficiencies. They thrive on the chaos. They offer the promise of reducing those costs, burdens, and losses (i.e. making life “better” and more efficient) but only if we will pay a commanded price, which includes conformity and subservience. However, it is impossible to buy one’s peace.

The prevailing mindset is tantamount to extortion, and by giving in to extortionists, evildoers are only emboldened. Having profited handsomely from their wrongdoing, their demands grow incessantly, and others are motivated to emulate bad acts until there is nothing left to give. When one affords a premium to misdeeds, he is certain to get more of them never less. In the end, well-intentioned efforts to hold on to merely a fraction of what one once had is for naught.

Those, who engage in these behaviors, steal not only wealth and the fruits of our labors. They take from us peace of mind, and with time, they will take from us our very lives. It is an insidious attack masked in “fairness,” “equality,” and “justice.” However, those supposed ideals have been perverted so as to be entirely self-serving.

The would-be revolutionaries pronounce their cause noble. However, the much hoped-for and ballyhooed Utopia first requires the destruction of all that is. A fantastic and fanciful future is to be “Built Back” on the rubble and ashes of the past. However, Utopia is inconsistent with our imperfect reality, and there will be no Phoenix rising from the ashes. Instead, the crumbling rubble will serve as a lasting monument to the past, and the smoldering ashes will provide a lingering testament to all that was lost.

It is better to oppose the would-be revolutionaries head-on. It is better to accept present risks and to suffer initial losses than to go down without a fight. Strength offers protection, pacifism only certain defeat.

Those, who embrace the zeitgeist, do not seek equity; they seek power. They seek to usurp power for their own benefit. They seek to subjugate those, who they deem unworthy or “excessively privileged.” They crave vicarious power, and they covet the position, prestige, and profit to be derived therefrom. They are certain to be corrupted by the irresistible influences of their newfound power, with the unavoidable results being abuse, oppression, and tyranny against all “others.”

We can either actively resist their efforts (i.e. defend ourselves and protect reality) or we can cower in fear and surrender unconditionally. A life which is not our own is not worth living. The choice is ours: We can embrace a dystopian future, or we can oppose it with every fiber of our being.



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