A Quixotic Quest Quenched Quickly
Haley told NBC earlier this month that the former president was “diminished” and ‘unhinged,’ explaining away her past support for Trump by bluntly saying “he is not the same person he was in 2016.” “We have to see this for what it is,” Haley said. “This is a fact: He is now saying things that don’t make sense.”
The statements above in and of themselves disqualify Haley. She may be no worse than Trump or Biden. She may be considered by some a “lesser evil,” but she is not inherently “better.” Her statements demonstrate her following in the example of Trump, Biden, and others by spouting untruths when it suits her.
Whether unhinged or nonsensical, Trump is the EXACT same person that he was in 2016. He is essentially the same person that he was 20 years ago and throughout much of the 20th Century. Arguing otherwise is insincere, disingenuous, and nonsensical. Haley knew exactly who Trump was and is, because we all did and do.
We have to see this for what it is … This is a fact: Haley rode Trump’s coattails in order to remain relevant and to position herself for a future run for President. It was done for political expediency. It was calculating. From a political standpoint, it may have been “reasonable” and justified, but politicians trade in lies, deceit, and obfuscations.
Haley is a consummate politician. That makes her no better than those, whom she seeks to replace. She possesses no unique insight or singular enlightenment. Like other political minions she craves vicarious power, and she covets the position, prestige, and profit to be derived therefrom. As I have noted before, there are none truly qualified for the role of an Imperial President. This is particularly true as to any and all, who would desire to reign as such.